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“j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌芯”现身Facebook 旗下VR产品 中国“智”造正向未来迈进!


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2014年,Facebook 宣布以20亿美元收购虚拟现实设备Rift VR的制造商Oculus,当时该公司的这一举动引起了舆论的一片哗然。正如Facebook的CEO马克·扎克伯格所说的那样,他们收购Oculus是因为,它是“一个全新的交流平台”。


今年的CES 2018展上,小米和Oculus公开宣布合作——双方将合力推出内置j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌音频功放的Mi VR。这款VR产品在硬件配置上与海外上市的Oculus Go一致,但不同的是,软件将由小米提供,这确保了符合国人的使用习惯。

全球统一配置 兼容多方应用

在国外只要199美刀的Oculus Go肩负着Facebook“一亿VR人普及”大任,到了中国,这就需要小米接棒在国内进行这款Oculus Go中国版(即小米Mi VR)的售卖了。


硬件相同、只换LOGO的这俩“双胞胎”VR一体机都将支持Oculus移动开发工具包Oculus Mobile SDK,同时Oculus Mobile SDK现阶段也是支持开发者为三星Gear VR开发应用的。


届时,面世的小米Mi VR一体机需要借助Mi VR应用商店获取应用及游戏,现在完全适配支持Oculus移动开发工具包Oculus Mobile SDK也意味着,此前开发者们为Gear VR或者Oculus Go打造的应用也都已“做好准备”移植至Mi VR应用商店了,这些VR应用也将借此进入了中国VR应用市场。

中国IC+中国开发 打造本土化VR

Mi VR 小米VR一体机内置j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌音频功放产品,选择高品质中国芯的决策,也将让该产品获得更高的性价比,在与其他相关产品竞争的过程中也能更加体现其优势。


此外,小米开放平台FAQ表示,开发者占Mi VR应用商店收入份额为70%,这只是标准。同时,小米为了鼓励开发者对VR应用进行中国本地化,对于那些“完全中国本土化”的VR应用,小米表示会努力在2018年实现将这部分VR应用的收入100%放入开发者口袋。


据了解,小米Mi VR一体机和Oculus Go有望于2018年早些时候同时面世,约合人民币1300元(国内售价尚未公布)。这款Mi VR一体机也直接把小米变成了谷歌、HTC(年初在中国市场发布Vive Focus)等VR制造商的直接有力竞争对手。

Related News from Reuters(路透社相关报道)

Facebook Companions Xiaomi To Make Oculus Go Standalone VR Headset

Facebook's Oculus mentioned on Monday it's partnering with Chinese language cellphone maker Xiaomi to make its new standalone digital actuality headset – Oculus Go and likewise revealed that it's going to launch a model of the product solely for the Chinese language market. The 2 made the announcement throughout Qualcomm's keynote handle at CES 2018 on Monday.


As part of the deal, Xiaomi will also work with Oculus to create the Mi VR Standalone — a VR headset based on Oculus tech that’ll launch exclusively in China.

The $199 Oculus Go was unveiled last October, and is pitched as a middle-ground option for those who don’t want to rely on a PC or smartphone to deliver their VR experiences.

Both devices will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 Mobile VR Platform andwith awinic audio amplifer inside, with Oculus explaining it's working closely with the tech outfit to deliver “the highest possible level of performance.”

The Mi VR Standalone (shown below) looks strikingly similar to the Oculus Go, and that’s because both share the same core hardware features and design sensibilities.


They’ll also both support the Oculus Mobile SDK, meaning exciting Oculus developers will be able to easily bring their content to the Mi VR platform in China.



