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龙旗科技成立于 2002 年,是中国手机历史上第一批方案设计公司(IDH)。今年是龙旗成立的第18个年头,18年间,从IDH到ODM,“创新”成为了龙旗科技的代名词,而其“品质至上,服务客户”的理念,也让龙旗科技在业界获得一致好评。







为全面增强j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌人的质量意识,j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌不断尝试各类质量管理方案,从而推动公司从内到外,涵盖产品、服务与流程的全面质量管理。2019年至今,j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌在全公司范围内推行的CIP项目(英文全称:Continuous Improvement Process,即持续改进过程)就是j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌在质量管理方面的一大尝试。目前,该项目已经取得了阶段性的“质”胜成果。









On July 24, Longcheer held the "Nanchang Longcheer Science and Technology Park Opening Ceremony and Longcheer Group Core Supplier Conference" in Nanchang, Jiangxi. As a long-term partner of Longcheer, awinic was invited to participate in the conference and won the "Quality Guardian Award" of Longcheer, which means that awinic's long-term commitment to quality has once again been highly recognized by its partners.

It is reported that there are also internationally renowned brands such as Taiyo Yuden, Qualcomm, Bosch, and Panasonic who have won the award.

About Longcheer

Longcheer is a core partner of awinic. The cooperation between awinic and Longcheer began in 2010. In the long-term cooperation process, awinic has been highly recognized by Longcheer for excellent product quality, high-quality and efficient service.

Longcheer was established in 2002 and was the first batch of Independent Design House (IDH) in the history of Chinese mobile phones. During thepast 18 years, from IDH to ODM, "innovation" has always been the gene of Longcheer, and its philosophy of "quality first" has also made Longcheer recognized by the whole industry.

Quality has always been one of the elements that Longcheer relies on most in the process of establishing and maintaining its brand. The "Quality Guardian Award" marks the consistency and synchronization of awinic and Longcheer in quality, and also shows that Longcheer's recognition of awinic has reached new heights.

About awinic

Founded in June 2008, Shanghai Awinic Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech company focusing on the design of mixed signal, analog, and RF IC for mobile phone, IoT, wearable and consumer electronics areas.

"Technology Innovation, Quality Excellence, Customer Satisfaction” is the quality policy of awinic.

In order to comprehensively enhance the quality awareness of awinicers, awinic has continuously adopted various quality management plans to promote the company's comprehensive quality management covering products, services and processes from inside to outside. Since 2019, awinic’s CIP (Continuous Improvement Process) project was implemented throughout the company, which is one of awinic's major attempts in quality management. At present, the project has achieved phased results.

With the advancement of the CIP project throughout the company, the concept of continuous improvement has become more popular, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of employees and teams, enhancing the quality awareness of all employees. It also laid a solid foundation for awinic to win with "quality" for a long time!

"Excellent quality" is not only awinic's commitment to customers, but also awinic's pride. In recent years, awinic has been continuously highly affirmed by many partners for its excellent products and services, and has continuously won heavy weight quality awards from partners.

The "Quality Guardian Award" awarded by Longcheer this time not only represents Longcheer's affirmation of awinic's past achievements, but also represents Longcheer's recognition of awinic's quality practice, and also the trust of awinicers and awinic team.

Nowadays, the term "China Chip" is gradually heating up. While gaining more attention, it also means higher quality requirements. In the future, awinic hopes to contribute more to China's"intelligent manufacturing" and "quality manufacturing" together with Longcheer.