j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌作为中国本土IC设计行业的代表之一,近年来不断开拓市场,自主创新,在“声光电射手”五大产品领域研发出了数百款贴合市场需求的产品,目前已授权的专利以及集成电路布图登记数量累计近600项,在业内树立起了良好的口碑和形象。2019年末,《闵行区关于聚焦上海南部科创中心核心区 进一步推进制造业高质量发展的实施意见》审议通过,《意见》提出:在新一代信息技术产业方面,闵行区将重点推进j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌电子集成电路为龙头的产业集群发展。2020年6月,j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌电子由于在专利创造、运用、保护和管理方面的持续努力及所取得的突出成绩,成功入选上海市闵行区知识产权协会理事单位。
Breaking News “According to ‘Identification and Management Approach of Shanghai Enterprises and Institutions of the patent work pilot(trial)’(Shanghai Intellectual Property Office [2017]No.62, after the process of expert review, coordination panel discussion and consultation, office of the Secretary for intellectual property deliberation and online publicity,awinic isauthorized as one of theShanghaiPatentPilotEnterpriseswith thespecification of itspatent management system and outstanding performance, which makesit stand out in many enterprises. By the end of September 2020, awinic has applied for about 600 authorized invention patents andregistrated IClayouts. Shanghai enterprises and patent pilot unit of evaluation work is the in-depth implementation of national and Shanghai intellectual property strategy important measures, which can effectively improvement enterprises and institutions of patent creation, utilization, protection and management level. awinic will be strictly in accordance withthe "rules" to accomplish patent work project and further standardize the patent management system. Mainly focus on strengthening the patent application and protection in order to enhance the company's core competitiveness.”